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vouaip et eureka est down :D

Certains annoncent que ce serait pour le passer en full C4 mais rien n'a été annoncé. Je comprends pas trop la politique de Paradise en ce moment d'habitude ils annoncaient ce qu'ils faisaient et la rien. On a eu un downtime durant plusieurs heures (2 jours) et ils n'ont meme pas dit pour quoi ni comment :x

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Its that time agian! When you have to run your patchers. Many of you are complaining about summons using the wrong crystals, or items that do not exist. In this patch all is fixed. It also will fix those UnNamedMobs.

Also, all servers are now updated to C4! Thats right, all data is there except a few things :

-Tatoos are removed

-Enchant Tokens are gone. You can trade the scrolls agian.

-Max Level is 78. If you are above 78, you will be Deleveled by a GM to 78.

-Medal event is no more, so all event medals and such are over.

Feel free to post your comments and such. We will be wiping the "Bugs" Section because we no longer have those dumb C1/C2/C3 Bugs.

Thank you for staying with L2-Paradise during these hard times. We are going no where just for you!

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