[Topic Music]~Ce que vous ecoutez~ /!\ Nouvelles règles page 289


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A part manneke, qui est capable de lancer une réelle discussion sur la musique ici? tu es capable de décortiquer un morceau pour nous en donner la teneur?

Et puis si tous les posts devaient être interressant, le général serai fermé en ce moment vu la teneur des posts de beaucoup de monde..

Tu veux faire ta révolution? bah laches toi alors

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je suis tout a fait capable d'analyser la plupart de ce qu'on peut trouver dans un morceau, c'est pas forcement utile de le faire ...

Quand je donne mes morceaux, la plupart du temps j'y ajoute un commentaire ( soit une description rapide si c'est pas encore passé, soit un commentaire sur la musique ), c'est rare que je post juste le nom du morceau.

d'un cotés si chacun post ses musiques ça permet aussi de s'inspirer quand on va faire les courses, j'ai découvert nightwish comme ça, artica sonata aussi, etc.

je vois pas ce qu'il y a de mal [:spamafote]

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une petite news de moby.. trouvé sur son site officiel

Moby, décmocrate dans l'âme à posté ça hier:

ok, it's done.

john kerry has seceded.

if you need us, my friends and i will be drunk for the next 4 years.


et ça aujourd'hui

a lot of people have been asking me, 'what do we do now?'

well, my answer is kind of simple and probably disappointing.

we should have fun with our friends, and do good work, and maybe adopt a dog, and eat. eating is good

suivit de ça:

'dear canada,

now, more than ever, your neighbor to the south(aka-the blue states)needs you. most of us living in the northern and western parts of the united states don't feel very connected to the rest of the u.s, so can we bring our states and become part of canada?

we have a lot of money and some interesting cities and we promise not to be too much trouble.

the benefits to you:

a-in one fell swoop you can have southern california and new york city! surfing in canada! suddenly the u.n is on canadian soil! broadway is suddenly in canada! you could then say that canada is the birthplace of jazz and hip-hop!

b-money. cold hard cash. the red states in the u.s might have the voting power, but guess who has the money? yup, your friendly neighborhood blue states.

so when/if you accept our offer you will instantly become the richest country in the world! that sounds pretty good, right?

c-karma. accepting this offer will give you more good karma than you'd know what to do with(because you would instantly make 120 million people VERY happy).

so you get warm beaches, tons of cash, and good karma. who can say no to that?

please let us know if you accept the offer. given our enthusiasm to join canada it's safe to say that the details of the offer could probably be worked out in an afternoon.

thank you very much,


p.s-just to put your minds at ease, we do know that we can't bring our assault weapons with us.'

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