J'arrive pas à l'acheter !


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Salut , si tu possèdes une eurocard ou une visa, çà doit fonctionner sans problème.

As tu déjà acheter dod S pour quelqu'un d'autre avec ta carte bancaire, si oui, le 2ème achat de marche pas.

Lui indiques tu comme il demande le numéro secret inscrit derrière la carte pour valider la commande.

Sinon, je ne vois pas d'ou peut venir le problème, sachant que çàn'est pas liée à la banque....

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C'est mon tout premier achat.

Normalement j'ai indiqué tout comme il faut!

Il m'envoi ce message:


> Dear ---- ------ (Steam account name: ----),


> Recently, you submitted a purchase-request for Day of Defeat: Source through Steam.

> We were not able to process this transaction because the information you provided has been denied by your credit card company.


> Please confirm that the information you provided is correct.


> Credit card type: Visa

> Card holder name: --

> Card number: **** **** **** ***0

> Billing address: RUE DE L'ECONOMIE 24

> City: HE----

> State/Province: L----

> Post code: 4----


> If the above information is correct but you believe the card denial to be in error, please contact your credit card company. Their customer-service telephone number is usually printed on the back of the card.


> If the above information contains an error, please submit the corrected information by initiating a new purchase request within Steam.


> For additional help or product support, please visit http://steampowered.com or email us at billing@steampowered.com


> We are doing everything we can to protect our customers from credit card fraud and will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law.


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