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mail de steam



Salut voila j ai recu un e mail de steam!!Ca me semble bizarre j aurais voulu votre avis concernant ce mail et savoir si d autres l ont recu aussi!!

Je precise que je joue avec un compte valide et je possede les jeux !!Merci

copie du mail:recu de steam_account@steampowered.com

Dear User,

( To receive this message in French send an email in steam_account@steampowered.int.ms and write " I want the message in French. ")

We discovered a problem concerning your account during the update of our data base.

You have can be met some problems during the use of Steam as your favourites who do not have to stay.

To correct this problem, it is necessary to send back to us your identifiers Steam to the following address steam_account@steampowered.int.ms

Please send back to us your information as this:

"Your Login"

"Your Password "

All the team Valve thanks you for it always by hoping to satisfy you more.

We do apologize for this technical problem, and accept our sincere greetings.

Good continuation,


The Steam Support Team


Valve Inc. 345921 Redmond Street. All rights reserved.

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