The English Thread


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Because here we have to much the class :sol:

Without joking, I just though it could be fun to speak a little bit in English.

The reasons why:

- One more topic :D

- Because I'm worth it :sol:

Let's be clear: in this topic (and only in this one, of course), we should only speak in English.

BTW, why not creating other similars topics? It's up to you...

I don't think a trend for the topic is necessary...

Let's talk about whatever you want...

Maybe I'll write a list of "internet english words later.

Please correct me when I make mistakes, cause I do make some too often.

Grosso modal, pour causer la gaule, c'est ailleurs :D[/quotemsg]

I would suggest one thing: let's avoid those kind of things. (BTW, IMHO, etc...)

The reason is that we avoid them in French...

To be a little bothering, I will type my "deadly mistakes" list. (like forgotting the third person's "s", or the capital letter in front of a nationality, a month or a day....)

Unless we make a lexicon. It can be useful for people reading english speaking forums.

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Because here we have to much the class :sol:

Without joking, I just though it could be fun to speak a little bit in English.

The reasons why:

- One more topic :D

- Because I'm worth it :sol:

Let's be clear: in this topic (and only in this one, of course), we should only speak in English.

BTW, why not creating other similars topics? It's up to you...

I don't think a trend for the topic is necessary...

Let's talk about whatever you want...

Maybe I'll write a list of "internet english words later.

Please correct me when I make mistakes, cause I do make some too often.

Grosso modal, pour causer la gaule, c'est ailleurs :D[/quotemsg]

just i don wanna speak english here i'm fed up with this fucking language.

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