[Musique] Apocalyptica


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ven 25 novembre : L'ELYSEE MONTMARTRE - PARIS

sam 26 novembre : L'OLYMPIC - NANTES


Up pour dire que Paris et Nantes sont complets, mais qu'il reste des places dans les trois autres villes.

et aussi pour annoncer la sortie le 21 novembre prochain du DVD Live


désolé, pas de tracklist encore, pas de review forcément, et pas de détails. Wait and See...

UPDATE (21/11/05):

Ben je ferais une autre update quand j'aurais une télé pour regarder le live !


ben, on a droit à un boitier cristal aux bords arrondis, sans grand chose dedans, pas de livre, juste un dvd et un cd. Visuellement c'est pas non plus un des plus réussi d'Apocalyptica, sur ce plan là donc bien déçu...



Live concert

1. For whom the Bell Tolls

2. M.B.

3. Creeping Death

4. Nothing Else Mathers

5. Harmageddon

6. Fight Fire With Fire

7. One

8. Pray

9. Struggle

10. Romance

11. Reduse / Resist

12. The Unforgiven

13. Inquisition Symphony

14. Master of puppets

15. Path

16. Enter Sandman

17. Hall Of The Mountain King


1. Path

2. Path Vol. II

3. Harmageddon

4. Nothing Else Matters

5. Enter Sandman

6. The Unforgiven


Little Drummerboy (vidéo)

CD bonus

1. En Vie

2. En Vie (vidéo)

Et non j'ai rien oublié...

ce qui me fait peur c'est qu'on voit surtout sur le package le style de Cult qui date de 2000, et un copyright marqué en 2001. Autre chose surprennante, pas de chansons de reflection ou d'Apocalyptica (l'album éponyme)

Serait-ce une resaucé du dvd sorti il y a 4 ans? Ben j'en ai bien l'impression...

Alors la touche 2005, c'est quoi? le cd bonus avec le titre "En vie" avec Manu de dolly...

Donc à moins que ça soit une erreur de marketing et qu'ils aient réédité l'ancien dvd en attendant de sortir le nouveau, c'est pas cool du tout.

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hop là !

donc voilà, je reviens du concert hier soir:

Paris - Elysée Montmartre à partir de 18h30.

bon, à part se geler le cul jusuq'à 18h30, l'heure à laquelle ils ont ouvert, j'ai pas trop à me plaindre.

J'ai malheureusement pas la setlist :/ mais je vous dirais de quoi il en retourne (en gros)

donc on a eu droit à 20h (je rappelle qu'on est rentré à 18h30), sans première partie, à l'arrivée des 3 membres du groupe, avec le gars tout calme à lunette (4ème cello), et un batteur complètement délurer, mais qui a bien le sens du spectacle !

Après, c'était parti pour 1h30 de concert, magique!

on a eu droit (pas dans l'ordre) à Nothing else matters, Life burns (en instru), Quutamo (version instrumentale de "En Vie"), la chanson de cult qui est sur la bande originale du film Vidocq (Hope Vol. II), Bittersweet (en instru), Enter Sandman (je crois), Betrayal, Hall of the Mountain King, Master of puppets, ... je dois en oublier pas mal !

côté spectacle, ben, les deux plus chevelus de la bande se sont retrouvé torce-poil pour jouer (c'est plus simple), lancé d'un archet après avoir fait de la batterie avec, le type aux cheveux cours qui faisait hurler l'assistance, et un batteur comme j'ai dit qui a déchiré, et bien !

deux rappels, (dont Hall of the Mountain King qui était le premier des deux)

donc voilà :)

conclusion de moi, ben c'est à voir au moins dans sa vie, tellement c'est géant...

regret: pas un seul guest pour chanter... ça aurait été quand même pas mal (à part les deux potes avec qui j'étais qui me chantaient en stéréo toutes les reprises de metallica :D )

conseil: aller au mcdo après pour prendre soit un milkshake, soit une glace.. Grâce à ça, j'ai de la voix aujourd'hui xD

aller, a pluche !

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  • 3 months later...

En accords avec le Val de Marnes, et grâce à Apocalyptica, je vous présente mon premier territoire. L'inauguration aura lieu le 23 juin, avec un concert d'Apo pour célébrer ça.

23.06.06 FR - Hellfest Festival - Val de Moine, Clisson

Bon, ok, c'était un petit clin d'oeil. Mais la coïncidence est frappante. Peut-être veulent-ils me faire un cadeau?

(vu sur: http://www.apocalyptica.com/tour/dates/index.php )

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  • 1 month later...

sortie annoncée d'un best of, avec inédits et DVD.

interview de Eicca sur le site:

The following interview is an e-mail interview with Eicca about the upcoming album and dvd:

1. Is this new release going to be released through the new label and will it be available in the US and UK?

-Universal Music is the distributor for this compilation world-wide, but as happen before I think UK and US will pass it. That would then mean that we will release it through our new deal. DVD will be released by Sony/Bmg excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland as they are controlled by Universal. So, UK and US are not confirmed BUT it looks like they will be released there anyhow. (Might just take few months longer...)

2. When were the tracks with Max Cavalera and Matt Tuck recorded? When did you find the time to do them?

- Tracks were recorded beginning of March. Finding good timing for it was really a project... they both were on tour so it was not possible to get them to same studio (Max was recorded in Munich and Matt in Amsterdam) we had to choose cities based on their tour scedule.

3. Did you record with Max and Matt or were the tracks recorded without meeting them? Was the Bullet track recorded with the UK market in mind?

- I was on both vocal recordings and producing them. We also prepared the song via phone and e-mail. We've been in touch with Matt for longer time and it was natural to work together as we are also on the same label nowadays... Ofcourse we are very keen on getting our foot on UK market but obviously that was not the reason to work with Bullets.

4. Did you write the cello parts without input or did Max and Matt give you any suggestions?

- Yes. We worked it out by our own...

5. Regarding the 'best of' tracks, did you remix the Metallica tracks for this release as you've so often said you wish to, or have you left them as they were in the original recordings.

- we've been talking about that but as there were not so many tracks from the first album we thought that we have to agree that it is part of the history... ;-) So we left evrything as they were, except we shortened Master of Puppets as we play it live. Maybe we will make this remix thing later...

6. If you have left them in the original form, do you plan to rerecord/mix them at some point, with Mikko?

- As the new DVD has many of those songs played with Mikko there is no need for re-recordng them with drums but I think remixing idea is still somehow interesting...

7. It was said in a recent interview that Mikko was now officially a member of the band. Is this true? Nothing official has been announced on the website.

- yes Mikko is a member of Apocalyptica. He was already working long time like a member so it felt stupid not to take him in more officially.

7a. Do you think the dynamic of the band has changed now that you have a drummer and has it changed the way you write your music?

- yes it has changed as Mikko is very innovative person and experienced on playing so many different styles. Also when Mikko is working drum parts it ofcourse brings more open view what to do rythmically in songs. He has also coool ideas for cellos as well...

8. Do you think you will be getting a fourth cellist to play permanently live at some point especially as Antero now has other commitments?

- Antero is still on board and there is no need to replace him as long as he has motivation and is able to join tour. At least he will join us on summer and after that it will take some time before we release next album and get back on the road.

9. Who had the final say on what went into the DVD? Did you as a band watch the footage and discuss it or was it solely the decision of other people besides yourselves (record company/management, etc)

- we decided. And actually we decided to put in there FULL show from Düsseldorf. No correction, re-playing or other shit. Just like it was in Apocalyptica 2005. Originally we wanted to release big package but as the show is just so great, we wanted to keep the price as low as possible to give better possibilities to spread it everywhere. Thats why it's going to be single DVD. As we think this DVD is first documentation of us where you can really understand what is Apocalyptica.

10. Any other little treats for us fans on the DVD. Can you give us a teaser if so?

- As said unfortunately you fans have to wait still for this million-hour-extra-bonus-urgent-scheisse-dvd for some years... ;-) ofcourse there is some bonus stuff but it is based on the show. BUT now you can enjoy real Apocalyptica experience everyday and don't need to travel all over the world ;-)

11. Do you come up with new material on the road or do you have a certain time, when you are at home, to write?

- writing on tour repeats easily stuff we are playing every night so it is better to get some distance to old stuff before writing new. At the moment we have began to work on new songs....

12. How do you cope with the long touring schedule? What are the various ways you cope with the stress/boredom/being cooped up together. How do you remain friends?

- for musicians your frieds are with whom you play.... Not really. I think Apocalyptica will not play year like 2005 never again. 150 shows in one year IS too much, I mean we enjoyed playing till end a lot but you just can't keep "normal" life running at the same time. So it is better to work on your priority list... We've found somehow good ways to come along on tour, everybody of us was surprised in the end how well everything went. Also at home BUT this kind of year you can do only once.. (actually I think we did it 2000...)

13. Were you pleased with the fans reactions to the gigs you played on your last tour, especially in the places you had never visited before like the US?

- Tour was just fenomenal!!!! Including US. It is impossible to say what was most impressive as there was not a single really bad show. In any meaning.

14. How are club gigs different to festival gigs? Which do you prefer?

- Club gigs as people are there for the band and mostly know something about it. Festivals you have to catch new people and bacause of that you sometimes have to compromise little bit according to the songs you play.

15. With all the dates you have already announced when will you find the time to write/record the new album?

- already in process... it is tight and we will finnish those shows in September. So basically we are planning to record the album during spring 2007. (to be released later that year.)

16. Regarding the new DVD, when watching the footage, how do you think that you, as a band, have changed in live performance since the last DVD?

- Not too many things same.... Much more feeling that everybody is in "momentum" all the time. Much more precence in every way.

17. Do you feel you have had a good rest from touring? We, as fans, think you're all nuts to announce so many dates this year, but do you ever feel you are burned out by touring so extensively or do you thrive on it and miss it when you are at home?

- No. its been helll of the work to make these new songs and mix the DVD. basically I've been working full time since the tour till now.

So we are little crazy idiots but what can you do...?

18. After the success of HOTMK, have you thought any further on murdering another classic, Apo-style. I remember you mentioned you would like to redo Summer by Vivaldi. Are you any closer to getting this wonderful idea on record?

- Not yet . Still waiting for perfect vision.... Would be lovely....

19. Are there any plans to expand into Asia/Australasia/Africa now that you have a new, more supportive record company?

- that's our plan. In few years we willl see if nothing happens but we think that why not this could not work out there as well?

20. Do you sometimes feel that releasing collaborations with other bands/singers is diluting your success as a band in your own right? Do you think that perhaps you might become better known as a glorified backing band. Will you release more instrumental singles as Apocalyptica to counter this?

- releasing instrumental singles doen't make any sense s nobody shows instrumental videos or plays them on radio. Ofcourse you can release them as albums but doesn't work as singles. Music market has unfortunaly changed a lot since end of 90's.

BUT we will never be backing band. That's sure.

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on aura peut-etre un dvd de la derniere tournée donc, plutot qu'un remix d'un dvd déjà sorti ? (faut avouer que c'etait l'arnaque ce dvd)[/quotemsg]

d'après l'interview, le dvd contient un live à dusseldorf. wait and see..

d'ailleurs, la date c'est le 26 mai! (oui, c'est mieux quand on le dit...

avec un single qui sort le 12 mai (un inédit d'ailleurs)

voilà le titre: Amplified - A Decade OF Reinventing The cello

faudrait que je fasse les news un peu plus sérieusement [:dpm:1]

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Finnish cello-rockers APOCALYPTICA have revealed the track listing for their upcoming releases: The single "Repressed", featuring Max Cavalera from SOULFLY and Matt Tuck from BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE (due on May 19); and the two-CD "best of" collection "Amplified - A Decade of Reinventing The Cello" and the accompanying double-DVD set, "The Life Burns Tour", which will follow on May 26. The details are as follows:

"Repressed" single:

01. Repressed (single version)

02. Path Vol. 2

03. Betrayal

04. Repressed (video)

"Amplified - A Decade of Reinventing The Cello":

CD 1:

01. Enter Sandman

02. Harmageddon

03. Nothing Else Matters

04. Refuse/Resist

05. Somewhere Around Nothing

06. Betrayal

07. Farewell

08. Master Of Puppets

09. Hall Of The Mountain King

10. One

11. Heat

12. Cohkka

13. Kaamos

14. Deathzone

15. Angel Of Death

CD 2:

01. Repressed

02. Path Vol. 2

03. Bittersweet

04. Hope Vol. 2

05. En Vie

06. Faraway Vol. 2

07. Life Burns

08. Seemann

"The Life Burns Tour":

DVD 1:

01. Intro – Apocalyptica

02. Path

03. Master Of Puppets

04. Somewhere Around Nothing

05. Fight Fire With Fire

06. Quutamo

07. Heat

08. Betrayal

09. Nothing Else Matters

10. Hope

11. Life Burns

12. Fisheye

13. Bittersweet

14. Seek & Destroy

15. Prologue

16. Creeping Death

17. Inquisition Symphony

18. Enter Sandman

19. Refuse/Resist

20. Hall Of The Mountain King

DVD 2:

01. US Tour Film (bonus material)

02. EPK - 'Repressed (bonus material)

03. Bittersweet (video)

04. Life Burns (video)

05. How Far (video)

06. Wie Weit (video)

07. Faraway Vol. 2

08. Somewhere Around Nothing

09. Seemann (video)

10. Repressed (video)

vu sur nightwish.fr :)

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  • 4 months later...

parce que j'aime bien les ups inutiles.


Surtout dans les sujets non lus!


"Amplified - A Decade of Reinventing The Cello":

CD 1:

01. Enter Sandman

02. Harmageddon

03. Nothing Else Matters

04. Refuse/Resist

05. Somewhere Around Nothing

06. Betrayal

07. Farewell

08. Master Of Puppets

09. Hall Of The Mountain King

10. One

11. Heat

12. Cohkka

13. Kaamos

14. Deathzone

15. Angel Of Death

CD 2:

01. Repressed

02. Path Vol. 2

03. Bittersweet

04. Hope Vol. 2

05. En Vie

06. Faraway Vol. 2

07. Life Burns

08. Seemann

Une bonne compilation qui associe les reprises et les compos d'Apo. On regrettera une chose: aucun morceau n'a été réenregistré. Alors si pour Somewhere Around Nothing, ça gène pas, pour un morceau comme Enter Sandman qui date de MPBFC, le premier album en moins long, c'est gênant parce que le son est pas du tout le même. (la différence me fait presque penser à du Midi, c'est dire!)

Venons dans le coeur du sujet, avec Repressed et Angel of Death, les deux inédits.

Angel of Death est surprenant, mais très intéressant car tout le morceau a un rythme assez soutenu qui démontre bien que les 3 compères, ils se la touchent sévère!

Repressed aussi est surprenant. Ouvrant le cd 2 des morceaux accompagnés par des voix diverses et variées, là on a droit à: Matt Tuck (Bullet for My Valentine) et Max Cavalera (Sepultura). Alors forcément, ça surprend! l'instru est niquel et l'association avec les voix sus-citées est niquelle! Ca prend aux trippes et c'est bien le genre de ces chansons qui, vous savez pas pourquoi vous met en Transe!

Enfin, un demi-inédit car pas trouvable sur les albums: Hope Vol.2 (peut-être trouvable sur un single). C'est la première apparition d'Apo sur une B.O., celle de Vidocq. Certe, le film ne vaut peut-être pas le détour, (je sais, je l'ai vu!) mais la chanson elle, oui. Aux commandes vocales: Matze Sayer (Farmer Boys). Un délice!

côté visuel, le style change un peu, pour illustrer le "a decade of reinventing the cello, on voit donc un violon celle habillé de cables et circuits imprimés en tous genres. Le booklet ne diffère pas de ce choix, puisqu'on alterne entre cables/électro, paroles des chansons et photos du groupe. Un bel objet!

passons au live!


"The Life Burns Tour":

DVD 1:

01. Intro – Apocalyptica

02. Path

03. Master Of Puppets

04. Somewhere Around Nothing

05. Fight Fire With Fire

06. Quutamo

07. Heat

08. Betrayal

09. Nothing Else Matters

10. Hope

11. Life Burns

12. Fisheye

13. Bittersweet

14. Seek & Destroy

15. Prologue

16. Creeping Death

17. Inquisition Symphony

18. Enter Sandman

19. Refuse/Resist

20. Hall Of The Mountain King

DVD 2:

01. US Tour Film (bonus material)

02. EPK - 'Repressed (bonus material)

03. Bittersweet (video)

04. Life Burns (video)

05. How Far (video)

06. Wie Weit (video)

07. Faraway Vol. 2

08. Somewhere Around Nothing

09. Seemann (video)

10. Repressed (video)

je vous avouerais que je ne me souviens plus trop, étant donné que ça fait 3 mois au moins que je l'ai acheté (ainsi que le best of, mais la flemme n'était pas au point d'aller chercher les mp3 sur mon pc :P (je précise que j'ai acheté l'album hein ;) )

Quoi qu'il en soit, le live est sympathique. Je n'arrive pas à régler correctement mon ampli pour faire ressortir un peu plus les violons celles, mais tant pis. Les vidéos disponibles en plus sont bien elles aussi, et montre un peu de cet univers qu'on approche avec les pochettes des divers albums et qu'on retrouve donc pleinement dans les clips.

donc voilà, une review double dose un peu tardive (fichiers encodés le 30 mai ^^) mais nécessaire à mon petit topic.

Ma conclusion, si vous voulez découvrir Apocalyptica avec un album, mais que vous ne savez pas lequel, prennez le Best Of, car il représente vraiment bien le groupe. Ca n'empêche pas que ce Best Of est non-exhaustif et que si la démo que procure Amplified // vous satisfait, hésitez pas à vous jetter sur Cult par exemple. (ou l'un des 4 autres évidement!)

Bien à vous !

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