2 infos divers en passant


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Je viens de remarquer que la page des news sur le site officiel de Steam, www.steampowered.com , gerait les onglet dynamic, si pratique pour rester toujours à la pointe de l'info...

Sinon Chris a annoncé, il y'a une semaine, sur le site Valve-erc que le sdk complet, supportant HL², sortirait très prochainement.

Copie du message en version originale :

[citation][nom]Chris[/nom]It would be an understatement to say that there's been a lot of interest expressed about the forthcoming release of the full Source SDK. Well, the time draws near! I'm not going to mention a specific day, but certainly the word "soon" is appropriate here.

The upcoming release will include Half-Life 2 mapping support and additional sample maps, support for cubemaps, and the mod source code.[/citation]

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