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quelqu un peu me config mon fichier bulletime pour qu il se mette en marche que pour la derniere victime ? merci

echo "Executing bullettime_config.cfg"

// ************************************************** ***************************

// MOD : MB_Bullettime


// Filename : bullettime_config.cfg


// Last updated : 8/13/07


// Desc : Configure MB_Bullettime by editing the values below. Please

// read very carefully each option when you are editing.

//************************************************** ****************************

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: Auth/Admin Settings


// Desc : Information about the Auth system. Please read carefully your options.

// Check out the following website for more information:

// http://eventscripts.com/pages/Authorization_FAQ

// ************************************************** ***************************

// If you want to make use of the new Admin BulletTime available in v3.0, you are

// going to need to setup an auth provider. This is very easy and more and more

// scripts are going to require it in the future. I will show you how to setup

// the most basic auth provider. If you want more advanced provider that uses

// admin groups, and other advanced options, you can refer to the FAQ mentioned

// earlier. To setup your admin list, you are going to need to copy the below lines

// into your autoexec.cfg. They should be at the very top of autoexec.cfg before you

// load your other scripts. You can then add admin steamids by using semi-colons as

// a seperator as shown below. If you have any questions feel free to post in the

// BulletTime thread on Mattie.info/cs.

// Add this to your autoexec.cfg with your STEAMIDs instead of the listed ones.

// Seperate additonal ids with a semi-colon seperator.

// es_load examples/auth/basic_auth

// BASIC_AUTH_ADMIN_LIST "STEAM_0:1:92696;STEAM_0:0:00000;STEAM_0:0:000 00"

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: General Settings


// Desc : Configure the general settings the mod uses

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want to protect your server from cheats exploiters. This

// option requires ES_Tools .417 or later. It is possible this might cause

// weirdness with other mods that use cheats, but even in that rare case, this

// setting is recommended.

mb_anticheat 1

// Set the phys_pushscale you want to use. This is a global setting and all physics

// will be effected all the time, however it creates some awesome visuals when set at

// around 3-5. 1 is default by CSS.

phys_pushscale 1

// Set to 1 if you want bullet tracers during BulletTime.

mb_tracers 1

// Set the speed BulletTime will slow down time when enabled.

// 1 = Normal time (Lower the number for slower. Do not go lower than 0.1 or higher than 1!)

mb_bullettime_speed 0.2

// Set model you want to use to draw tracers during BulletTime. It is best to

// leave this default if you do not know what you are doing.

mb_tracermodel "effects/gunshiptracer.vmt"

// Set to 1 if you want to disable BulletTime after the bomb has been planted.

// This is useful to keep C4 countdowns in sync.

mb_bomboff 0

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: Cinematic BulletTime


// Desc : Configure the settings used when Cinematic BulletTime is enabled.

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want Cinematic BulletTime enabled. If Cinematic BulletTime

// is enabled, all other triggers will be disabled. Depending on how aggressive

// you want Cinematic BulletTime to act (set below), BulletTime will be activated

// pretty much at random. It uses current triggers and a couple extra triggers to

// determine when BulletTime is activated. Enabling this will give your server a

// more cinematic feel. You will never know when BulletTime is activated and may

// come at some unexpected times, but usually never when there is no action going on.

mb_cinematic 0

// Set how aggressive cinematic bullettime will be with enabling bullettime.

// The higher the value the more aggressive the mod will be when toggling

// BulletTime. (1 = least aggressive -- 100 = BulletTime has a very high chance

// of being enabled.)

mb_cinematic_aggression 30

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: End of Round


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered at the end

// of the round.

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want BulletTime to trigger when the last player of a team is killed.

mb_roundbt 0

// Set how many seconds BulletTime will trigger if mb_roundbt is enabled.

mb_length 5

// Set to 1 if you want only the last death of the round to trigger BulletTime.

// If disabled all deaths after the final death of a team triggers BulletTime.

mb_onedeath 0

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: 1v1


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered when a 1v1

// battle has ended.

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want BulletTime to trigger when a 1v1 battle ends.

mb_1v1bt 1

// Set how many seconds BulletTime will trigger if mb_roundbt is enabled.

mb_1v1length 5

// Set if you want a message displaying the 1v1 outcome.

mb_1v1msg 1

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: Kill Streak


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered on a killing

// streak.

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want BulletTime to trigger when a player reaches the specified

// amount of kills in a row.

mb_streakbt 1

// Set how many seconds BulletTime will trigger if mb_streakbt is enabled.

mb_streaklength 5

// Set how many kills required to trigger BulletTime if mb_streakbt is enabled.

mb_streakkill 7

// Set if you want a global message displayed when a player triggers BulletTime

// via kill streak.

mb_streakmsg 1

// Set if you want a message displayed to everybody their current streak and how

// many needed to trigger BulletTime. The message is displayed on spawn.

mb_streakspawnmsg 1

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: All Kills


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered on all kills

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 to trigger BulletTime on all deaths.

mb_allbt 0

// Set in seconds how long BulletTime will be activated if mb_allbt is enabled.

mb_alllength 1

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: Headshots


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered on headshots

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 to trigger BulletTime on all headshot deaths.

mb_headshotbt 0

// Set in seconds how long BulletTime will be triggered on headshot deaths if

// mb_headshotbt is enabled.

mb_headshotlength 3

// Set to 1 if you want a message displaying who shot who in the head in

// order to activate BulletTime

mb_hsmsg 1

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: Grenades


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered on grenade

// deaths.

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want all nade kills to trigger BulletTime.

mb_nadebt 0

// Set in seconds how long BulletTime will be triggered when a player is killed with

// a grenade if mb_nadebt is enabled.

mb_nadelength 5

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: Knife


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered on knife

// deaths.

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want all nade kills to trigger BulletTime.

mb_knifebt 0

// Set in seconds how long BulletTime will be triggered when a player is killed

// with a knife if mb_knifebt is enabled.

mb_knifelength 3

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: C4


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered on C4

// explosions

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Set to 1 if you want C4 explosions to trigger BulletTime.

mb_bombbt 1

// Set in seconds how long BulletTime will be triggered during C4 Explosions.

mb_bomblength 5

// ************************************************** ***************************

// Configuration: Tracer Color


// Desc : Choose the color value of tracers when weapons fire in BulletTime.

// Default color below is white.

// ************************************************** ***************************

//Red value. Higher value = deeper red.

mb_red 125

//Green value. Higher value = deeper green

mb_green 125

//Blue value. Higher value = deeper blue

mb_blue 125

//Alpha value. This is how bold the colors are.

mb_alpha 125

//************************************************** ****************************

//End of MB_Bullettime Configuration

//************************************************** ****************************

echo "Finished loading MB_Bullettime Configuration!"

et pui me dire aussi comment faire pour activer les addons evenscript ( es load )

merci et bonne journe


Faut pas deconner, tu dois savoir traduire sa. En quatrième, troisème, c'est déjà abordable.

un indice:

// Configuration: End of Round


// Desc : Configure the settings used when BulletTime is triggered at the end

// of the round.

  • 4 years later...


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