Ou est le feflet de ma lunette?


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J'ai réinstallé cs:source après un petit formatage et mon reflet sur ma lunette a disparu.

Quelqu'un connait la commande ? Merci d'avance.

Et pour ceux qui n'aurrai pas compris.


J'en profite aussi pour demander des commandes pour faire chuter mon fps et gagné de la qualité graphiques car j'ai deja tout mis dans les options du jeux.



Tiens pour moins de fps j'ai ça:

cl_c4dynamiclight 1 -- (def 0) makes the light on the C4 look much better

cl_ejectbrass 1 -- (def 1) supposedly something cool

cl_phys_props_max 1 -- (def 300) sets range at which props show up

cl_ragdoll_collide 1 -- (def 0) the ragdolls don't clip inside of each other. Makes body pileups look a lot better

cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1 -- (def 1) needs to be on for collisions to work

cl_show_bloodspray 1 -- (def 1) more blood!!

cl_show_splashes 1 -- (def 1) splashes!! :)

jpeg_quality 100 -- (def 90) 100% quality screenshots that you take

mat_antialias 1 -- (def 0) force antialias on

mat_clipz 1 -- (def 1) Water reflections on chateau and such using geforce fx dx9 (-dxlevel 90 -clipz 1 in command line)

mat_filterlightmaps 1 -- (def 1) light filtering

mat_filtertextures 1 -- (def 1) textures filtering

mat_mipmaptextures 1 -- (def 1) textures look their best from any distance

mat_trilinear 1 -- (def 1) trilennear buffering

mat_vsync 1 -- (def 0) force VSync on

mp_decals 4096 -- (def 200) the maximum number of decals visible at one time

r_avglight 3 -- (def 1) more lighting on objects

r_decal_cullsize 0 -- (def 0) makes decals appear from any distance

r_decals 4096 -- (def 2048) more decals

r_DispFullRadius 1000 -- (def 400) radius within which a displacement will stay at its highest LOD

r_DispEnableLOD 1 -- (def 1) enable displacement's lod rendering

r_DispRadius 1000 -- (def 500) radius when displacements appear

r_fastzreject 1 -- (def 0) activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware settings

r_lod -5 -- (def -1) the models always look their best from any distance

r_maxmodeldecal 100 -- (def 50) more decals on models

r_propsmaxdist 5000 -- (def 1200) the maximum visible distance for props, it prevents props from fading in/out as you get closer/further away from them

r_rainradius 3000 -- (def 1500) lets you see the rain from farther away.

r_rainsplashpercentage 100 -- (def 20) 100% of rain frops make splashes in the water.

r_rootlod 7 -- (def 0) maximum detalization level

voice_dsound 1 -- (def 0) enable directsound while talking

  • 6 years later...


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