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H/L? : Rajout de 4 heures de cours dans mon emploi tu temps, ça fait maintenant 37H dans la semaine..[/quotemsg]

Moi c'est ce que j'ai depuis le debut de l'année :o

En plus la CPE nous rajoute une heure de vie classe, j'vais devoir venir le mercredi apres midi :'(

VH : j'ai enfin bien compris comment se passait la datation au carbone 14 / potassium 40 / rubidium 87 ! chaud pour le contrôle de demain :D[/quotemsg]

'tain la radioactivité j'l'ai faite vers décembre l'an passé :sweat:

Tu peux me dire ce que t'as fait en tout en physique, stp ?

Question: GNUSteP sur ubuntu, une réalité ?[/quotemsg]

ça marche il paraît.

Y'a un mec qui est particulièrement fan de ce genre de choses sur ubuntu-fr, je te retrouve ça...

[:edith] De"rnièrement il est encore sur un autre truc en fait: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=499995#p499995

Mais en remontant de quelques pages, tu peux trouver des trucs sympa.

Quoi qu'il en soit, y'a pas mal de trucs dans les depots


C'est ce que je disais wé.

Je vais te trouver un vrai truc :)

En attendant:

fabien@thebigone:/usr/src/kiba-dock$ apt-cache search gnustep

aclock.app - Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep

addresses-goodies-for-gnustep - Personal Address Manager for GNUstep (Goodies)

addresses.framework - Database API backend framework for GNUstep

addressmanager.app - Personal Address Manager for GNUstep

addressview.framework - Display/edit framework for GNUstep

affiche - An application to "stick" little notes on the desktop

agenda.app - Calendar manager for GNUstep

biococoa.app - Sequence file format conversion for GNUstep

camera.app - GNUstep application for digital still cameras

cddb.bundle - Bundle for CDDB access for GNUstep

cenon.app - Vector graphics tool for GNUstep

charmap.app - Character map for GNUstep

clipbook.app - GNUstep Pasteboard Viewer

connect.app - Frontend to pppd for GNUstep

cynthiune.app - A free software and romantic music player for GNUstep

desktop-profiles - framework for setting up desktop profiles

displaycalibrator.app - Gamma calibration for GNUstep

easydiff.app - Graphical diff for GNUstep

edenmath.app - Scientific calcualtor for GNUstep

gnumail.app - A GNUstep Mail User Agent (clone of the NeXT/Apple's Mail.app)

gnustep - The GNUstep Development Environment -- user applications

gnustep-antlr - Objective-C Classes Needed for ANTLR Compatibility

gnustep-back-common - The GNUstep GUI Backend - common files

gnustep-back-doc - The GNUstep GUI Backend documentation

gnustep-back0.10 - The GNUstep GUI Backend

gnustep-base-common - GNUstep Base library - common files

gnustep-base-doc - Documentation for the GNUstep Base Library

gnustep-base-examples - Examples using the GNUstep Base Library

gnustep-core - The GNUstep Development Environment -- core

gnustep-core-devel - The GNUstep Development Environment -- core development

gnustep-core-doc - The GNUstep Development Environment -- core documentation

gnustep-devel - The GNUstep Development Environment -- development tools

gnustep-dl2 - Objective-C Classes Needed for Database Access

gnustep-examples - GNUstep Example Applications

gnustep-games - The GNUstep Development Environment -- games

gnustep-gd - Objective-C Interface to the GD Graphics Library

gnustep-gpbs - The GNUstep PasteBoard Server

gnustep-gui-common - GNUstep Gui Library - common files

gnustep-gui-doc - Documentation for the GNUstep Gui Library

gnustep-icons - Several free icons for use with GNUstep and others

gnustep-make - Basic GNUstep Scripts and Makefiles

gnustep-make-doc - Documentation for GNUstep-make

gnustep-make-ogo - Basic GNUstep Scripts and Makefiles for OpenGroupware.org

gnustep-netclasses - Objective-C framework for socket programming with GNUstep

gnustep-ppd - GNUstep Postscript Printer Description

gnustep-tutorial-html - GNUstep tutorial as HTML files

gnustep-tutorial-pdf - GNUstep tutorial as PDF

gnuwash.app - Configurable timer with alarm for GNUstep

gomoku.app - Extended TicTacToe game for GNUstep

gorm - Visual Interface Builder for GNUstep

gridlock.app - A collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep

gtamsanalyzer.app - Qualitative Research Software for the Free World for GNUstep

gworkspace-apps-wrappers - Application wrappers for GWorkspace

gworkspace.app - GNUstep Workspace Manager

gwremote.app - GNUstep Remote Workspace Manager

helpviewer.app - Online help viewer for GNUstep programs

imageviewer - Image Viewer for GNUstep

latex.service - LaTeX service for GNUstep

libcamelbones0 - an Objective C <-> Perl bridge for GNUstep

libcamelbones0-dev - the development files for the CamelBones framework

libgnustep-base1.11 - GNUstep Base library

libgnustep-base1.11-dbg - GNUstep Base library - debug version

libgnustep-base1.11-dev - GNUstep Base header files and development libraries

libgnustep-gui0.10 - GNUstep Gui Library

libgnustep-gui0.10-dbg - GNUstep Gui Library - debugging version

libgnustep-gui0.10-dev - GNUstep Gui header files and static libraries

libpdfkit0 - GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (library files)

libpdfkit0-dev - GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (development files)

librenaissance0 - GNUstep GUI Framework - library files

librenaissance0-dev - GNUstep GUI Framework - development file

libsope-gdl1-4.4 - GNUstep database libraries for SOPE

libsope-gdl1-4.4-dev - Development files for the GNUstep database libraries

libwings-dev - Window Maker's own widget set

lusernet.app - News Reader for GNUstep

mines.app - Minesweeper for GNUstep

mknfonts.tool - Create nfont packages for GNUstep

mpd - Music Player Daemon, the name says it all

mpdcon.app - MPD controller for GNUstep

pdfkit.framework - GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content

plopfolio.app - Clone of Serence's excellent KlipFolio for GNUstep

preferences - GNUstep Preferences application

preview.app - General purpose image viewer for GNUstep

price.app - Image filtering and manipulation using GNUstep

projectcenter - IDE for GNUstep Development

projectcenter.app - IDE for GNUstep Development

renaissance - GNUstep GUI Development Framework - dummy package

rssreader.app - RSS reader for GNUstep

shisen.app - Shisen-sho puzzle game for GNUstep

simpleui.bundle - Theme bundle for GNUstep

sope4.4-gdl1-postgresql - PostgreSQL connector for SOPE's fork of the GNUstep database environment

stepbill.app - Get rid of those nasty Wingdows viruses

steptalk - The GNUstep Scripting Framework

stepulator.app - Scientific calculator implementing RPN notation for GNUstep

talksoup.app - IRC client for GNUstep

terminal - a Terminal Emulator for GNUstep

terminal.app - a Terminal Emulator for GNUstep

textedit.app - Basic text editor for GNUstep

timemon.app - CPU time usage monitor for GNUstep

viewpdf.app - Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer for GNUstep

volumecontrol.app - Audio mixer for GNUstep

waiho.app - Simple FTP client for GNUstep

wildmenus.bundle - Bundle for GNUstep applications to have a horizontal main menu

wrapperfactory.app - Application wrappers configuration tool for GNUstep

wterm - lightweight terminal emulator for X

wterm-ml - lightweight multilingual terminal emulator for X

zipper.app - Tool for inspecting the contents of a compressed archive


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