[ Topic PBeMs] Jeux de stratégie/rôle sur internet

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[citation=64963,2080,22][nom]Bugs__Bunny a écrit[/nom]Bah tu viendras squater un PC chez moi [:spamafote]

Mais pas toute la nuit ni toutes les nuits hein :o[/citation]

Ca dépend si t es loin du campus :sarcastic:


[citation=65007,2080,25][nom]eLd a écrit[/nom]Ca dépend si t es loin du campus :sarcastic:[/citation]

Tu te rappelle de mon plan pourri ?

Je te faisais aller jusqu'à la barrière St Genes.

De là je t'ai fait remonter vers Bx I directement

Bah à la barrière St Genes, au lieu d'aller vers Talence, tu vas à l'opposé (Dans Bx) et je suis dans la rue St Genes à 5 minutes de marche.

Donc ça dépend essentiellement de ton moyen de locomotion, mais le tram qui passe devant Bx I passe juste derrière chez moi.


[citation=65057,2080,27][nom]Bugs__Bunny a écrit[/nom]Tu te rappelle de mon plan pourri ?

Je te faisais aller jusqu'à la barrière St Genes.

De là je t'ai fait remonter vers Bx I directement

Bah à la barrière St Genes, au lieu d'aller vers Talence, tu vas à l'opposé (Dans Bx) et je suis dans la rue St Genes à 5 minutes de marche.

Donc ça dépend essentiellement de ton moyen de locomotion, mais le tram qui passe devant Bx I passe juste derrière chez moi.[/citation]

Oui chef, (fallait pas me le dire maintenant je vais squatter chez toit tout le temps)

Due to an exploit that allowed players to offset the game economy and individual player gold, we were forced to roll back the site to 10:00 PM GMT.

Some accounts were automatically suspended during the exploit time due to our automatic tracking sytems. These accounts have been unsuspended.

It is unfortunate that we had to rollback the site due to player exploits, but not rolling back would be unfair to most players.

Remember that this is a Beta test, and there WILL BE bugs. This is all part of the testing phase, and we will be spending the next 24 hours fixing this current exploit and making sure it cannot be used again.

Thank you for all of the reports and feedback we got regarding this problem. It did help us take care of this problem as quick as possible.

It is a shame that a few players have to screw up the game for so many players that do follow the rules.

Look for a new beta update within the next few days.


[citation=65080,2080,38][nom]eLd a écrit[/nom]

Due to an exploit that allowed players to offset the game economy and individual player gold, we were forced to roll back the site to 10:00 PM GMT.

Some accounts were automatically suspended during the exploit time due to our automatic tracking sytems. These accounts have been unsuspended.

It is unfortunate that we had to rollback the site due to player exploits, but not rolling back would be unfair to most players.

Remember that this is a Beta test, and there WILL BE bugs. This is all part of the testing phase, and we will be spending the next 24 hours fixing this current exploit and making sure it cannot be used again.

Thank you for all of the reports and feedback we got regarding this problem. It did help us take care of this problem as quick as possible.

It is a shame that a few players have to screw up the game for so many players that do follow the rules.

Look for a new beta update within the next few days.


en gros y en a qui ont foutu le bordel et pour les remercier ils sont revenus a un point du jeu antérieur :o

(si j'ai bien compris ca doit etre un truc comme ca :))

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