Hostile Intent 1.5


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C'est sorti en version beta, telechargable sur

Changelog :

-Added admin commands to server code. No longer need adminmod or metamod. Commands can only be executed if your steam id is located in the admins.txt file (finally putting that file to good use ).

hia_map Changes the map

hia_kick Kicks the player from the server

hia_config Will change the servers default config to this and will execute the config file. Similar to the mapchangecfgfile command currently.

hia_nopass - removes the password on the server. (self explanatory)

hia_pass - sets a password on the server (duh )

hia_ff 0|1 - Sets friendly fire on and off.

hia_hostname "hostname" - changes the hostname on the server

hia_ban Places a 10 minute ban on the player (Any longer ban would require knowledge of the rcon password. This is to prevent ban abuse amongst server admins)

hia_say "text" - Same as rcon say command from server.

hia_help - lists the available commands (not updated to reflect all the commands yet)

- Added triangle on top of teammate player models. Will easily identify teamates (should help limit the tk's).

- Updated the Admins icon on the scoreboard from a @ symbol to the letter A to coinside with the Dev and Tester icons.

- Changed the background to AndroidXP's released splash screen.

- Capped the player speed eliminating bunnyhopping and wall strafing.

- Added feature to shake your screen whenever you take damage or come close to grenade blasts.


J'y penserai la prochaine fois :):) Par ailleurs - je vais le faire maintenant...

Les nouveautés sont peu nombreux pour les joueurs. L'essentiel c'est :

- Triangles vertes au-dessus des tetes de tes co-équipiers afin de mieux les identifer - ça devrait reduire les TK... Ca a fait crier quelques-uns hier soir sur les serveurs... :D

- La vue se "sécoue" lorsqu'on est touché par des balles.

D'autres joueurs se sont plaints qu'ils courraient moins rapidement, mais je n'ai rien remarqué personellement, car je ne fais ni le "wall strafing" ni le "bunnyhopping"...

C'est une version BETA, mais je l'ai trouvé bien aboutie...

  • 6 years later...


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