Vitesse de jeu


Messages recommandés


J'ai utilisé la fonction recherche et je n'ai trouvé aucun post a ce sujet ni sur google d'où la raison de mon inscription.

Lorsque je joue a Day of Defeat: Source j'avance beaucoup plus vite que les autres. On m'accuse de "Hackspeed" alors que je ne savais même pas que cela existait. Je ne sais vraiment pas comment cela se fait-il, ce problème c'est manifesté cette après midi. J'ai longuement cherché, je suis même allez jusqu'à réinstaller Dod:S. Je ne comprend rien aux commandes mais j'ai trouvé la commande "upspeed" en essayant de résoudre le problème et il est a 350 alors je ne sais pas si c'est cela mais je n'arrive pas a changer cette commande a partir de la console.

Je vous pris de bien vouloir m'aider.

Merci d'avance.

Edit : Ma console affiche : Est ce normal ??

Both ConVars must be marked FCVAR_REPLICATED for linkage to work (r_VehicleViewDampen)

maxplayers set to 32

Heap: 256.00 Mb

Parsed 145 text messages

Both ConVars must be marked FCVAR_REPLICATED for linkage to work (r_VehicleViewDampen)

Hud element 'CHudHDRDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res

Hud element 'CHudFilmDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res

execing config.cfg

Can't use cheat cvar cl_forwardspeed in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

Can't use cheat cvar cl_backspeed in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

Can't use cheat cvar dsp_dist_max in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

Can't use cheat cvar dsp_dist_min in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.

2 CPUs, Frequency: 1.0 Ghz, Features: AuthenticAMD SSE SSE2 MMX 3DNow RDTSC CMOV FCMOV

execing valve.rc

Et lorsque je me connecte a un server :

Day of Defeat: Source

Map: dod_donner

Players: 18 / 32

Build 2949

Server Number 123

SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_tickrate set to 66), skipping

SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_nextmap set to dod_donner), skipping

[#ff2a00]Your .dll [bin\client.dll] differs from the server's.[/#ff2a00]

Begin loading faces (loads materials)

End loading faces (loads materials)

Initializing renderer...



[Animal] Clutz killed GTH with frag_us.

Maxe killed Lord Kebab with k98.

M@gic-m@n, [mWg]neillyB[AoG], Maxe, DeathAngel captured Rue Principale for the U.S. Army

Dudsy killed Gunter with thompson.

PkH | Shaffe killed Dudsy with k98.

Lord Kebab killed Maxe with frag_ger.

* Vous réapparaîtrez après avoir choisi une classe.

* Vous commencerez en tant que Fusilier

PCF killed [Animal] Clutz with mp44.

Gummihuhn killed PkH | Shaffe with m1carbine.

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/crosshairs/

PCF killed Apollo with mp44.

L'armée américaine marque 1 point

[#ff2a00]cpu speed 1004 MHz AMD

958 MB of system RAM

cpu speed 1004 MHz AMD

958 MB of system RAM[/#ff2a00]

Gunter: nextmap

PCF: gg

GTH: nextmap

Dudsy: gg

[mWg]neillyB[AoG]: good game!

Maxe: niggahs


Hmmm processeur AMD Dual Core... Le problème avait été détecté sur CS 1.6 par différents joueurs, pour le régler ils devaient empêcher le jeu d'utiliser les 2 CPU.

Pour se faire quand tu as lancé le jeu : ctrl + alt + del => clic droit sur HL².exe (dans ton gestionnaire des tâches) puis : définir l'affinité => et là tu décoches un de tes 2 CPU.


Cela a sans doute réglé un problème ^^ mais pas le plus important. J'ai testé mais ma vitesse est toujours excessive, j'avance vraiment plus vite que les autres mais comment y remédier ?


Avec 1 seul CPU tu vas toujours plus vite que les autres joueurs ? Ha...alors là, je saurais pas te dire d'où vient le problème, tu peux tenter de supprimer les fichiers .cfg de ton dossier cfg de dod: source, si c'est une simple variable console qui génère ça, ça corrigera le tir.


Après un plantage de mon PC ça ne bug plus ... :x

Mais c'est bien connu, lorsqu'un problème est résolu un autre apparaît. Mes personnages apparaisse blanc lorsqu'ils sont au soleil et mon PC redémarre au bout d'une vingtaine de minute de jeu :/

Mais je vais d'abord parcourir le forum, il me semble avoir vu des réponses a ces problèmes.

Merci beaucoup pour ton aide.


Hmm je dirais : vérification de directx, des drivers graphiques et du cache du jeu (pour les skins).

Pour le reboot je surveillerais mes températures et désactiverais tout overclocking si il y en a.


Your .dll [bin\client.dll] differs from the server's.

Il faut une verification de cache, le mod n'est pas à jour complement.

Sinon, mon X2 est parfaitement géré par steam et les mods en ce qui me concerne.



Bon j'ai fait une vérification de cache, j'ai tout vérifié tout est en ordre. J'ai ensuite joué et mon PC a planté, en le redémarrant tout fonctionnait comme par enchantement. Mais aujourd'hui ça a recommencé a "speeder". Il y a donc une forte chance que cela vienne de ma connexion.

Voila merci pour l'aide.

Edit : Euhh j'ai parlé trop vite !

[#ff3800]ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster009), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster011), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/roundwindowdecal02), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/roundwindowdecal01), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster012), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/roundwindowdecal02), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster013), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster012), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster013), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster012), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster013), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/decalmetalgrate010a), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/decalmetalgrate010a), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/decalmetalgrate017a), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster013), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_04), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster014), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/it_poster012), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_06), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

ProcessBSPDecal: Trying to project on world before host_state.worldmodel is set!!!

Warning! Static BSP decal (decals/dirt_decal_05), on NULL model index 0 for entity index 0.

Your .dll [bin\client.dll] differs from the server's.[/#ff3800]

[#ff3800]Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendicesnow01_-632_296_136

- Surface center : -941 516 -112

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendicesnow01_-632_296_136). Support for this will go away soon.

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_1056_-1172_136

- Surface center : 744 -1376 64

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-824_-408_136

- Surface center : -2364 -275 64

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-1464_296_-24

- Surface center : -256 -560 -8

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_44_-816_296

- Surface center : -1230 -1460 168

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-384_-120_176

- Surface center : -384 -560 -4

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_800_736_56

- Surface center : 1072 592 -112

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_2056_360_-80

- Surface center : 1520 469 -64

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_72_-408_136

- Surface center : 229 -96 62

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_1036_-584_144

- Surface center : 960 -348 16

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_968_296_136

- Surface center : 720 -16 -112

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_72_1000_136

- Surface center : -108 544 -36

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-1048_1208_136

- Surface center : -989 560 -64

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-632_1048_72

- Surface center : -713 880 0

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_564_-844_208

- Surface center : 928 -424 192

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_1032_1000_136

- Surface center : 1238 829 128

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_28_1512_300

- Surface center : -593 1712 192

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_72_-1176_136

- Surface center : -97 -1476 28

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_1032_1448_136

- Surface center : 1737 1568 32

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_1224_-2136_136

- Surface center : 1346 -2092 92

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_608_-2288_208

- Surface center : -104 -2984 32

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_72_-2200_136

- Surface center : -290 -2600 64

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_1032_1832_136

- Surface center : 1591 1650 32

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-256_2968_120

- Surface center : 272 3288 64

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-696_-2008_136

- Surface center : -464 -2368 16

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-1144_2664_136

- Surface center : -1884 3030 210

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-1112_1756_136

- Surface center : -1913 3296 118

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-584_2872_240

- Surface center : 424 4344 128

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_-608_-176_176

- Surface center : -1215 -616 168

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass01_808_736_184

- Surface center : 1020 712 128

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : wood/blend_shingles004_snow

- Surface center : -1602 -517 354

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.

Support for this will go away soon.

- Material : maps/dod_colmar/ground/blendsnowgrass02_72_2472_136

- Surface center : 652 2882 125[/#ff3800]

  • 5 years later...


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