Et Piloux71 ?


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J'ai suivi la progression de Piloux71 dans la réalisation de son Mod pour Valve. On apprend dans son dernier message qu'il l'a envoyé il y a deux semaines et que Gabe? lui a répondu ceci :


YES, it arrived while I was on holiday and looks totally cool.

Everyone is REALLY busy with HL2 stuff so that's why nobody has had time to get a power converter & turn it on yet. I'll give our system guys a reminder to get the U.S. power converter for the power supply & let you know if we have any problems. I think we plan to have it in our main conference room where visiting press & such will be sure to see it.

Thanks again for all your work and I can't wait to see the next issue of MaximumPC that will feature your baby....

On est content de savoir que Gabe était en vacances !....

Bravo à Piloux71 !!

  • 7 years later...


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