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Alors j'explique mon problème, j'fais une map toute basique, une dalle pour le sol, un skybox, un player start et un light environment, et quand je compile, hammer me met un récapitulatif des commandes des vis, rad et bsp...

exemple :

** Executing...

** Command: "d:\steam\steamapps\moimoimoi666\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin\vbsp.exe"

** Parameters: -game "d:\steam\steamapps\moimoimoi666\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp" "D:\Steam\SteamApps\moimoimoi666\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dfgh"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Dec 11 2006)

Command line: "d:\steam\steamapps\moimoimoi666\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin\vbsp.exe"

usage : vbsp [options...] mapfile

example: vbsp -onlyents c:\hl2\hl2\maps\test

Common options (use -v to see all options):

-v (or -verbose): Turn on verbose output (also shows more command

line options).

-onlyents : This option causes vbsp only import the entities from the .vmf

file. -onlyents won't reimport brush models.

-onlyprops : Only update the static props and detail props.

-glview : Writes .gl files in the current directory that can be viewed

with glview.exe. If you use -tmpout, it will write the files

into the \tmp folder.

-nodetail : Get rid of all detail geometry. The geometry left over is

what affects visibility.

-nowater : Get rid of water brushes.

-low : Run as an idle-priority process.

-vproject : Override the VPROJECT environment variable.

-game : Same as -vproject.

** Executing...

** Command: "d:\steam\steamapps\moimoimoi666\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin\vvis.exe"

** Parameters: -game "d:\steam\steamapps\moimoimoi666\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp" "D:\Steam\SteamApps\moimoimoi666\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dfgh"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Nov 8 2007)

Command line: "d:\steam\steamapps\moimoimoi666\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin\vvis.exe"

usage : vvis [options...] bspfile

example: vvis -fast c:\hl2\hl2\maps\test

Common options:

-v (or -verbose): Turn on verbose output (also shows more command

-fast : Only do first quick pass on vis calculations.

-mpi : Use VMPI to distribute computations.

-low : Run as an idle-priority process.

env_fog_controller specifies one.

-vproject : Override the VPROJECT environment variable.

-game : Same as -vproject.

Other options:

-novconfig : Don't bring up graphical UI on vproject errors.

-radius_override: Force a vis radius, regardless of whether an

-mpi_pw : Use a password to choose a specific set of VMPI workers.

-threads : Control the number of threads vbsp uses (defaults to the #

or processors on your machine).

-nosort : Don't sort portals (sorting is an optimization).

-tmpin : Make portals come from \tmp\.

-tmpout : Make portals come from \tmp\.

-FullMinidumps : Write large minidumps on crash.

J'met pas en entier, mais vous voyez le problème...

J'ai essayé d'autres source engine, d'autres jeux...

Et ca me saoule.

Si vous pouviez m'aider svp


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