sebjoker37 Posté(e) le 31 mars 2007 Signaler Posté(e) le 31 mars 2007 Bonjour, malgres les différents tutos, je n'arrive pas à etre admin de mon serveur que je loue chez gamik zone. eux n'arrivent pas à m'aider!!!! voici mes fichiers, si quelqu'un peut m'aider, merci: adminlist.txt // // Add your IP's Steam addresses, Names and Passwords // in this file for admins // // // e.g STEAM_0:0:21233123 // // // ADDING FLAGS MEANS YOUR ARE STOPPING ADMINS FROM USING // THOSE OPTIONS UNLESS YOU HAVE mani_reverse_admin_flags set to 1 // in your autoexec.cfg // // Restriction options are :- // // k = restrict admin from kicking players // r = restrict admin from executing rcon commands via ma_rcon // q = restrict admin from executing rcon commands from the menu // e = restrict admin from the adminexplode command // m = restrict admin from slaying players // b = restrict admin from banning players // s = restrict admin from running ma_say // o = restrict admin from running ma_chat // a = restrict admin from running ma_psay // c = restrict admin from changing maps // p = restrict admin from playing sounds // w = restrict admin from restricting weapons // z = restrict admin from plug-in config menu // x = restrict admin from running admincexec commands // y = restrict admin from running admincexec from the menu // i = restrict admin from running blind commands // l = restrict admin from running slap commands // f = restrict admin from running freeze commands // t = restrict admin from running teleport commands // d = restrict admin from running drug commands // g = restrict admin from running ma_teamswap and ma_balance commands // j = restrict admin from running gimp commands // R = restrict admin from running rcon vote // v = restrict admin from running random vote map // V = restrict admin from running vote map // Q = restrict admin from running question vote // C = restrict admin from running Cancel Vote // A = restrict admin from being able to accept/refuse a vote they started // B = restrict admin from running a menu rcon vote // D = restrict admin from running a question menu vote // E = restrict admin from using ma_rates // F = restrict admin from running burn commands // G = restrict admin from running noclip command // H = restrict admin from running ma_war command // I = restrict admin from running ma_mute command // J = restrict admin from resetting all the player ranks // K = restrict admin from setting player cash // L = restrict admin from using rconsay commands setup as type R in commandlist.txt // M = restrict admin from having custom skins to choose // N = restrict admin from being able to set a players skin // O = restrict admin from running ma_dropc4 command // P = restrict admin from running ma_setadminflag command // T = restrict admin from running ma_timebomb command // U = restrict admin from running ma_firebomb command // W = restrict admin from running ma_freezebomb command // X = restrict admin from running ma_sethealth and derived commands // Y = restrict admin from running ma_beacon command // S = restrict admin from running ma_setcolour or ma_setcolor // Z = restrict admin from running ma_give and ma_giveammo // p = restrict admin from running ma_spray // // An example would be if you wanted to prevent admin // with steam id STEAM_0:0:2388333 // from being able to play sounds and rcon command // // STEAM_0:0:2388333 rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !! // // Another example // STEAM_0:0:3389333 kmc // Admin can't kick, slay or change maps // // // You can also use admin groups instead of flags, you setup admin groups // in the admingroups.txt file then use them in this file. // For example if you setup a group called "Clan Member" and "Kick Only" you would set it per // player like this:- // // STEAM_0:0:1234234 Clan Member // Fred // STEAM_0:0:234884 Kick Only // Jim // // // If you wanted an admin to be created by IP Address you // set your entry to be in the format // // ;IP Address flag // // Example // // ; rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !! // ; kmc // Admin can't kick, slay or change maps // // If you want to have an Admin created by both steam ID and IP address you // use the format STEAM_ID;IP_ADDRESS flags // // Example // // STEAM_0:1:877489; rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !! // // IMPORTANT NOTES !!!! // // If you only use an IP Address, the character ';' MUST be directly in // front of it. // // There must be a space between the steam ID/IP Address and restriction flags // or the plug-in will assume that it is part of the Steam ID/IP Address // // Another alternative to using a steam id is a name and password // // The format of this is ;;"name";password flags // // For example I would use // // ;;"Mani";maniadminplugin rp // Admin can't rcon or playsound // // In order to use the password, put // // setinfo _password mypassword // // in your config.cfg file in your client installation. STEAM_0:0:13258057 client.txt: "clients.txt" { "version" "1" // This key group lists all your client players "players" { // This must be a unique client name "Admin1" { // Client real name "name" "sebjoker37" // Steam ID for client "steam" "STEAM_0:0:*******" "groups" { "Admin" "Serveradmin" "Immunity" "Serveradmin" } } } // These are global groups of flags that can be assigned to clients "groups" { "Immunity" { "Serveradmin" "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v x y afk ping autojoin grav Immunity" "Clanmember" "a b c h k n afk ping grav autojoin Immunity" } "Admin" { "Serveradmin" "A B C T U V W X Y Z a b c d o p q q2 q3 r z admin client grav pban spray" "Clanmember" "B D E F a b c o q q2 q3 s t v w x y admin pban spray" } } }
bestcounter Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Signaler Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Salut, Enlève le steamid "STEAM_0:0:13258057 " et remplace le par ton ip. Si tu ne connais pas ton ip va sur @+
becket Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Signaler Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Salut.... T'as quel version de mani-admin ? Parce que toute la première partie concerne l'adminlist.txt des version inférieure à la 1.2, et la deuxième partie (a partir du client.txt) est pour la version 1.2 et supérieure...
thedark Posté(e) le 2 avril 2007 Signaler Posté(e) le 2 avril 2007 Bonjour, utilise ce petit programme pour créer un fichier client.txt propre.
Exyntigor Posté(e) le 1 juin 2012 Signaler Posté(e) le 1 juin 2012 Ce sujet a été déplacé de la catégorie Logiciel vers la categorie Aide Technique par Exyntigor
Bonjour, malgres les différents tutos, je n'arrive pas à etre admin de mon serveur que je loue chez gamik zone. eux n'arrivent pas à m'aider!!!!
voici mes fichiers, si quelqu'un peut m'aider, merci:
// Add your IP's Steam addresses, Names and Passwords
// in this file for admins
// e.g STEAM_0:0:21233123
// THOSE OPTIONS UNLESS YOU HAVE mani_reverse_admin_flags set to 1
// in your autoexec.cfg
// Restriction options are :-
// k = restrict admin from kicking players
// r = restrict admin from executing rcon commands via ma_rcon
// q = restrict admin from executing rcon commands from the menu
// e = restrict admin from the adminexplode command
// m = restrict admin from slaying players
// b = restrict admin from banning players
// s = restrict admin from running ma_say
// o = restrict admin from running ma_chat
// a = restrict admin from running ma_psay
// c = restrict admin from changing maps
// p = restrict admin from playing sounds
// w = restrict admin from restricting weapons
// z = restrict admin from plug-in config menu
// x = restrict admin from running admincexec commands
// y = restrict admin from running admincexec from the menu
// i = restrict admin from running blind commands
// l = restrict admin from running slap commands
// f = restrict admin from running freeze commands
// t = restrict admin from running teleport commands
// d = restrict admin from running drug commands
// g = restrict admin from running ma_teamswap and ma_balance commands
// j = restrict admin from running gimp commands
// R = restrict admin from running rcon vote
// v = restrict admin from running random vote map
// V = restrict admin from running vote map
// Q = restrict admin from running question vote
// C = restrict admin from running Cancel Vote
// A = restrict admin from being able to accept/refuse a vote they started
// B = restrict admin from running a menu rcon vote
// D = restrict admin from running a question menu vote
// E = restrict admin from using ma_rates
// F = restrict admin from running burn commands
// G = restrict admin from running noclip command
// H = restrict admin from running ma_war command
// I = restrict admin from running ma_mute command
// J = restrict admin from resetting all the player ranks
// K = restrict admin from setting player cash
// L = restrict admin from using rconsay commands setup as type R in commandlist.txt
// M = restrict admin from having custom skins to choose
// N = restrict admin from being able to set a players skin
// O = restrict admin from running ma_dropc4 command
// P = restrict admin from running ma_setadminflag command
// T = restrict admin from running ma_timebomb command
// U = restrict admin from running ma_firebomb command
// W = restrict admin from running ma_freezebomb command
// X = restrict admin from running ma_sethealth and derived commands
// Y = restrict admin from running ma_beacon command
// S = restrict admin from running ma_setcolour or ma_setcolor
// Z = restrict admin from running ma_give and ma_giveammo
// p = restrict admin from running ma_spray
// An example would be if you wanted to prevent admin
// with steam id STEAM_0:0:2388333
// from being able to play sounds and rcon command
// STEAM_0:0:2388333 rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !!
// Another example
// STEAM_0:0:3389333 kmc // Admin can't kick, slay or change maps
// You can also use admin groups instead of flags, you setup admin groups
// in the admingroups.txt file then use them in this file.
// For example if you setup a group called "Clan Member" and "Kick Only" you would set it per
// player like this:-
// STEAM_0:0:1234234 Clan Member // Fred
// STEAM_0:0:234884 Kick Only // Jim
// If you wanted an admin to be created by IP Address you
// set your entry to be in the format
// ;IP Address flag
// Example
// ; rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !!
// ; kmc // Admin can't kick, slay or change maps
// If you want to have an Admin created by both steam ID and IP address you
// use the format STEAM_ID;IP_ADDRESS flags
// Example
// STEAM_0:1:877489; rp // Admin can't rcon and play sound !!
// If you only use an IP Address, the character ';' MUST be directly in
// front of it.
// There must be a space between the steam ID/IP Address and restriction flags
// or the plug-in will assume that it is part of the Steam ID/IP Address
// Another alternative to using a steam id is a name and password
// The format of this is ;;"name";password flags
// For example I would use
// ;;"Mani";maniadminplugin rp // Admin can't rcon or playsound
// In order to use the password, put
// setinfo _password mypassword
// in your config.cfg file in your client installation.
"version" "1"
// This key group lists all your client players
// This must be a unique client name
// Client real name
"name" "sebjoker37"
// Steam ID for client
"steam" "STEAM_0:0:*******"
"Admin" "Serveradmin"
"Immunity" "Serveradmin"
// These are global groups of flags that can be assigned to clients
"Serveradmin" "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v x y afk ping autojoin grav Immunity"
"Clanmember" "a b c h k n afk ping grav autojoin Immunity"
"Serveradmin" "A B C T U V W X Y Z a b c d o p q q2 q3 r z admin client grav pban spray"
"Clanmember" "B D E F a b c o q q2 q3 s t v w x y admin pban spray"
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