Bonjour a tous donc voila , il y a 4 jours j'ai acheter HL2 Episode One a la FNAC j'arrives chez moi , je tappes la clée ect.. Puis il me mais un trucs en Anglais comme quoi je peux pas y jouer car j'ai déja HL2 sur mon comptes donc je créer un autres compte et la sa me mais que la clée est déja utiliser ensuite je recois ce mail de steam :
This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration.
Steam has detected that your copy of Half-Life 2: Episode One has already been
registered to another Steam user. Your product's CD-Key (the number printed on
the CD case which you were asked to type in after installing the game) matches
one already in our database.
The CD-Key you entered is: censurer
You will not be able to play Half-Life 2: Episode One unless you provide an
unclaimed CD-Key. To provide an unclaimed CD-Key, you will need a copy of
Half-Life 2: Episode One which has not already been registered on Steam.
Double-click on the name of the game in Steam's "Games" window and then follow
the given instructions.
E-Mail recus a partir de mon compte steam créer pour sa comment fairr?
Bonjour a tous donc voila , il y a 4 jours j'ai acheter HL2 Episode One a la FNAC j'arrives chez moi , je tappes la clée ect.. Puis il me mais un trucs en Anglais comme quoi je peux pas y jouer car j'ai déja HL2 sur mon comptes donc je créer un autres compte et la sa me mais que la clée est déja utiliser ensuite je recois ce mail de steam :
This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration.
Steam has detected that your copy of Half-Life 2: Episode One has already been
registered to another Steam user. Your product's CD-Key (the number printed on
the CD case which you were asked to type in after installing the game) matches
one already in our database.
The CD-Key you entered is: censurer
You will not be able to play Half-Life 2: Episode One unless you provide an
unclaimed CD-Key. To provide an unclaimed CD-Key, you will need a copy of
Half-Life 2: Episode One which has not already been registered on Steam.
Double-click on the name of the game in Steam's "Games" window and then follow
the given instructions.
E-Mail recus a partir de mon compte steam créer pour sa comment fairr?
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