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PB Console LAN




Je créer une Nouvelle Partie en LAN, sur de_dust2 et ensuite : je sais pas d'ou sa vient et j'ai envie d'enlever tout ce bordel !!

Sur les autres map c'est normal sauf D2

Adding Master...

Adding Master...

Adding Master...

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/kenny1.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/cracker1.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/shot1.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/revenge1.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/doh.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/nam1.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/kickass1.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/comeagain.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/awwcrap2.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/awwman.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/woohoo2.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/dohoo.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/dohnuts.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/doh2.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/doh3.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/doh4.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/doh5.wav for transfer

Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/doh

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/kenny1.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/cracker1.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/shot1.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/revenge1.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/doh.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/nam1.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/kickass1.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/comeagain.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/awwcrap2.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/awwman.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/woohoo2.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/dohoo.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/dohnuts.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/doh2.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/doh3.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/doh4.wav'

Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/doh5.wav'

PS : Sound/Misc/Je n'ai pas les fichiers ci-dessus dans ce dossier

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