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Clée de mon HL deja utilisée...




Salut a tous

Ma clée HL est maintenant deja utilisée donc je pensais en racheter un je voulais savoir ou pourrais je racheter un HL a (bon prix) sur le net ... voila merci d'avance.

6 réponses à cette question

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15€ à la fnac (ou Virgin ou carrefour enfin partout :))

Ca me fait penser que j'ai reçu un mail

Dear Steam user (account name: bugsbunny ),

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration.

Steam has detected that your copy of Condition Zero has already been registered

to another Steam user. Your product's CD-Key (the number printed on the CD case

which you were asked to type in after installing the game) matches one already

in our database.

The CD-Key you entered is: Quelque chose :P

You will not be able to play Condition Zero unless you provide an unclaimed

CD-Key. To provide an unclaimed CD-Key, you will need a copy of Condition Zero

which has not already been registered on Steam. Double-click on the name of the

game in Steam's "Games" window and then follow the given instructions.

For further help or product support, please visit http://www.steampowered.com


The Steam Support Team

To contact us, email support@steampowered.com


This notification has been sent to the e-mail address you provided when you

created your Steam account. For information on Valve's privacy policy, please

visit http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm

Alors que je ne connais npas la clé en question, que je n'ai jamais acheté CS:CZ, et qui si ça se trouve j'ai gagné une clé :D


Je l'ai essayé ta clé (quelque chose) et elle ne marche pas....

Bizare comme c'est bizare......mouarf :bounce:


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