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[citation=127512,1800,29][nom]stan123 a écrit[/nom]Smallvince c'est très sympa de ta part mais je ne comprend pas bien l'anglais. en plus le sujet a été postè le 21/05/2004 alors je ne sais pas si l'on peut encore s'inscire vu que c'est en anglais...[/citation]

il faut demander a MyStic200 ;)

sinon pour rajouter quelque chose que tu as oublié de dire tu peux utiliser ce bouton ==> edit.gif;)

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Updated on 24.01.2005 by Catalin

1. Download the client HERE.

2. Install the game.

3. Now there are 2 modes you can run the game - with update or without

With update - start the game from the icon that the installation put on your desktop or from "game"\lineage2.exe. After that copy the l2.ini into your "game"\system directory, download this zip file and extract it into your "game"\system directory. Now you are done. To start the game from now on just make a shortcut to you desktop of the l2.exe file found into the "game"\system.

Without the update - copy the l2.ini into your "game"\system directory, download this zip file and extract it into your "game"\system directory. Now you are done. To start the game from now on just make a shortcut to you desktop of the l2.exe file found into the "game"\system.

4. Go to this webpage for registering a new account.

5. Play!!!

Congrats to the admins and the ones who made this possible. Play nice and have a good time.


"game" = where you installed the game

For extracting the zip file use the last winzip program available from HERE.


1. Download la client AICI

2. Instaleaza jocul.

3. Acum sunt 2 moduri de cum poti rula jocul - cu update sau fara

Cu update - starteaza jocu din iconita pe care programul de instalare a pus-o pe desktop sau "game"\lineage2.exe. Dupa aceea copiaza l2.ini in directoru "game"\system, downloadeaza zipul acesta si da-i extract in directoru "game"\system. Acum e ok. Pentru a rula jocul de acum in viitor doar fa un shortcut la executabilul l2.exe din directorul "game"\system.

Fara update - Copiaza l2.ini in directoru "game"\system, downloadeaza zipul acesta si da-i extract in directoru "game"\system. Acum e ok. Pentru a rula jocul de acum in viitor doar fa un shortcut la executabilul l2.exe din directorul "game"\system.

4. Du-te la aceasta pagina sa-ti inregistrezi un cont.

5. Joaca-te!!!

Felicitari adminilor si celor care au facut sa fie posibil. Jucati-va frumos si sa va distrati.

Note :

"game" - directorul unde ai instalat jocul

Pentru a dezarhiva din fisierul zip foloseste ultimul program winzip de

voila ce qu'ils me disent de faire mais je ne comprend pas

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voila dans le post1 y a un truc que je ne comprend pas.

Pour vous connecter directement au chan du serveur, sous mIRC, faites alt+r et tapez ça :

on *:START:{

server fr.quakenet.org (par exemple)

server -m irc.deltaanime.net -j #ul2


c'est sa je doit faire quoi avec sa???

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