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Voici ce que j'ai trouver sur le topic de Magr0v3 pour la Pomme.
What we think/know about Steam for Mac:
[*]It will require Mac OS X 10.5 or higher.
[*]Source games for Mac will require Mac OS X 10.5.8 or higher (Leopard), or 10.6.3 or higher (Snow Leopard).
[*]It will be Intel only, PowerPC will not be supported.
[*]Source games will not run on the X3100 or 900-series Intel chipsets.
[*]Steam Play mean that you do not need to purchase separate Windows and Mac versions of the same game. Implementation will probably depend on the publisher.. The [*]Steam Play icon will look like this.
[*]The Steam Overlay will require "Enable access for assistive devices" checked in System Preferences -> Universal Access [1]
[*](Some?) games will require the Windows Media Components for Quicktime [1]
[*]Mac games will get their own category automatically. [2]
[*]The Steam Store may sell Mac-exclusive games. [3]
[*]It will not be released on Monday, but will come later. GameInformer allegedly pins the release to May, despite Valve announcing April.
[*]Steam and Source will run natively, not through Wine/Cider/Crossover/etc.
[*]Source will run on OpenGL.
[*]Mac OS X will be treated "as a tier-1 platform".
[*]Mac OS X and Windows users will play on the same servers, join the same lobbies, etc.
[*]The first Steam client for Mac OS X will be the same as the Steam version to be released on April 26th.
The following games have been confirmed for Mac OS X:
[*]Counter-Strike (presumably Source)
[*]"The Half-Life Series"
[*]Left 4 Dead
[*]Left 4 Dead 2
[*]Portal 2 (upcoming)
[*]Team Fortress 2
The following games have been semi-confirmed (teased/hinted) for Mac OS X:
[*]Killing Floor [4]