j'voulais me faire une petite partie et paf update!Sont relou les maceux!
et apparement ils ont rajouté deux trois truc:
Team Fortress 2
Added Mac support.
Overhauled the main menu, and added help to Loadout, Backpack, and Crafting screens.
Added Training, with support for General gameplay & Soldier class training for now.
Added Offline Practice mode, with support for KOTH maps and Dustbowl.
The "Open Character Loadout" key will now go to your future class if you’ve requested a class change, but haven’t respawned yet.
Community Requests:
Added "mp_forceautoteam", a server convar that forces all joining players to autoteam.
Added "mp_stalemate_meleeonly", a server convar that allows melee weapons only during stalemates.
Added "ExtinguishPlayer" input to tf_player for map makers.
et si on joue sur mac ce w-e on peut avoir les écouteur,c'est la que j'ai la rage de pas avoir persévéré dans la voie du hackintosh...