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Messages posté(e)s par LITTLEDEVIL

  1. ça veux dire quoi "ils peuvents cheater a gogo"? [/quotemsg]

    Quand tu paye un compte premium sur les serveurs saigns, tu as accès a :

    Your features for Counter-Strike Source:

    - Personal welcome message

    - One reserved slot (Ability to join a full servers)

    - No autoteambalance

    - Command "premium_switch" to switch to the other team

    - 5000$ extra cash with each round start

    - 5 extra HE grenades with each round start

    - 40 % respawn chance with each death ( play 2 times in 1 round )

    - Read the private chat of the enemy team

    - Unlimited ammo

    - HP-Reflect grenades

    - 10 (25 on deathmatch) extra health points with each round start

    - 5 (10 on deathmatch) bonus health points with each kill

    - Distance+Direction display to the next living enemy

    - Extra Frags for kill assists

    - You hear a sound when you hit an enemy

    - AK47/M4A1 at round start

    - Bullet lasers

    Your features for Team Fortress 2:

    - Personal welcome message

    - One reserved slot (Ability to join a full server with 31/31 players)

    - No autoteambalance

    - Command "premium_switch" to switch to the other team

    - Faster movement speed

    - Increased fire rate with all weapons

    - Unlimited ammo

    - Bunny Hopping and Trimp Jumping

    - 50 bonus health points with each kill

    - Ability to use conc grenades with the "premium_conc" command

    - Variable FOV settings with "premium_fov x" command

    - Distance+Direction display to the next living enemy

    - Ability to make 5 double jumps in one row as Scout

    - Faster jumping speed as Scout

    - Higher rocket and grenade jumps than usual

    - 6 instead of 4 rockets as Soldier

    - Ability to build 4 sentries and 4 dispensers

    - Ability to build 3 teleporter entries

    - Teleporters have 2000 health points

    - Infinite metal

    - Instant teleporter charge

    - Longer ubercharge time

    - Faster charge time

    - Instant rifle charge to 100%

    - Get nearly cloaked while camping on a fixed position as Sniper

    - Unlimited cloak time as Spy

  2. Ca fait un moment que j'ai pas touché a CS 1.6, mais il me semble que quand on était flash, on voyait vraiment plus rien, alors que là, le n°1 du classement se fait flash, mais continue de voir clairement les terros sortir de la porte, malgrés le fait que tout le reste soit blanc.. N'est ce pas un tweak ou une modif de texture, qui de plus lui permet d'obtenir un avantage considérable sur les autres ?..

    Ca se rapproche sacrement d'un cheat, les pauvres gars pensait pouvoir avancer peinard après la flash et se font dézinguer par un mec qui continue de les voir, avec même plus de contraste..[/quotemsg]

    C'est celui qui la record sur HLTV qui a mis un "cheat" pour faire voir l'action :sarcastic: