I'm glad to see that the French people still wants to play with Zion Warcry, in fact I feel so good when I saw that the Vossey Team did a Patch for the "prev1.0"!!. Merci !!
I will release it the 7th of July as I promised. I prefer to release it with zero bugs, so I'm still playing with it and fixing little failures in the design.
Gamerules work now fine, Bots fight very well if we consider that I'm not a C++ expert and I am the solo developer of the MOD ( I haven't so much spare time!! ), maps are 100% perfect, monsters act as they should do: armagon is a bastard ( you'll see ), drone hunters are a pain in the ass, sentinels are slown down a bit ( not much you lazy people ), there's a VGUI for radio commands and APU systems, there is a brand new HUD for the first and the thirdperson, and also this feature was upgraded, and there are new surprises that will like you for sure...
I hope It'll like you even if there's some bugs ,that actually are mere cosmethic bugs.