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Messages posté(e)s par webcortana

  1. Ratchet & clanck ... vraiment c'est un jeu magnifique, même si l'on atteind pas la qualitée d'un pixar, on en est pas loin, c'est coloré, fun, y'a des centaines de details a l'image sans ralentissement, décidement les createur de resistance : FoM savent manier la ps3 avec brio

  2. First up, Parasite Eve fans were surprised and disappointed to learn that the long-awaited third installment would only be going to mobile phones. But fear not, Square-Enix is apparently working on a brand new, fully-realized Parasite Eve, although we have no idea which platforms will be included. Secondly, Epic Games and Sony have resolved their differences regarding the Unreal Tournament 3 license (UT 3 is actually a timed exclusive for the PS3 and PC, coming later to the Xbox 360), and they might be collaborating on a PS3 exclusive title.


    ouais bon c'est plus rumeur que fondé mais bon mieux que rien